Wednesday, November 7, 2012

So. Ahem. Harrumph, koff koff, etc, OBAMA

These articles on the Onion are funny because they're just kind of true, in a sad, blunt, slightly scary kind of way. It's the "hysterical laughter" brand of funny.

On last night's election:
Nation's Women Wake Up Relieved To Find Selves Still In 2012

After Hurricane Sandy, re: the growing awareness of climate change:
Nation Suddenly Realizes This Just Going To Be A Thing That Happens From Now On

In other news,

Y'all, I was filled with the spirit of voting. Filled with it! But after two hours in line, outside, I was too tired to do ambitious things like "stand up" or "talk". I walked to my friend's house, and we rang in the new election year eating cheesecake on the floor* and drinking whiskey. And then OH MA GAH...!

After the initial flailing, texting, and subdued whinnying, I started to realize how many progressive reforms had passed as well. Gay marriage? In multiple states? A lesbian senator? Pot, legal in two states? Had I been hit on the head and sent back to Oberlin, land of the hippies?

It's almost like... all of the stuff we've been caring about, so fiercely, is starting to become real. Eeeeep. Add that to the crazy Narnia snowstorm that's rapidly forming outside as we speak, and everything is seeming a bit magical and eerie. Watch out for freak storms, progressive reforms, or fauns with scarves and little nubby horns...

* We were lying on the floor, not eating cheesecake off of it. We had plates. Not forks so much, but. Plates.

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