Saturday, November 17, 2012

Last weekend brought strange weather. It was warm, with a grey sky that seemed to muffle everything like cotton. I went walking in the park, and all of the leaves falling from the trees had very muted colors. The haziness in the air made everything seem like a movie from the 70's - translucent and dull orange. It was like a filter had been put over the camera, and it was all sepia-toned.

I saw diving ducks in the pond, all black except for their little bright blue bills. They'd pop under the surface - blip! - and reappear a minute later. I also saw cardinals chasing each other around the inside of a leafless bush. It was a good day for climbing up on fallen logs.

I've been so busy! I have a big stack of links I want to think about and talk about, but the last week has been a whirlwind of logistics and meetings and friends and karaoke. I go home for a week with family tomorrow, and I plan to lounge around and be thoroughly useless, at least until it's time to make the pies.

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